
It’s time to leave Eden, but my journey isn’t retribution nor my destination wicked.

The road getting here has been as long as my life itself. The amount of time I’ve spent working towards this goal is, at this point, immeasurable. Now the only obstacle standing between me and my dream is a few hundred hours. I’ve jumped through many hoops and passed many checkpoints to get to where I am standing now. The view from up here is hard to describe and I’m not sure of the correct ratio when it comes to gazing forward and looking back.

A new world approaches


The people I’m going to leave behind are the ones I mourn the most. The people who encouraged me. The people who looked out for me. The people who laughed with me and the people who cried with me. The people who danced. The people that didn’t. The people who opened themselves up to me, and were thankful when I did the same and the person who sang me lullabies and held me close. However, this mourning is not for their own sakes, but the tears are comforting.

The future is scary


When I return…if I return… I will have changed personally and on paper. I’m not unique in that regard. You will have changed as well, but this is a change that we have to do apart. I won’t have your hands to hold when the sun sets and the moon rises. I hope when we meet again our hands still fit one another’s. I hope my jokes still make you laugh. I hope that the flowers still speak to us. I hope…

I won’t forget


I won’t forget this past year. I won’t forget the professors that inspired me or the classmates that empowered me. I won’t forget the co-workers who made me feel important. I won’t forget the boy I fell in love with or the way that life told us “Not right now.” I think with that I can be happy. I think with that I’m about to have the best year of my life. I think all I want is for you to promise to not forget about me either.

I love you.


Now read this

Local Memory Access(P.S. I’m Pretty)

Recently I was accepted into a position as an English chat leader at Aoyama Gakuin University (which is the school I’m going to if anyone wasn’t sure.) That means that a few times a week I lead discussions in English, with native... Continue →